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Dates: 24 - 28 July 2017


Organized by:

Alex Aimard & Jenny Norin in collaboration with Bodyflight Stockholm



The Satori Factory invitational is a creative workshop, where 4 teams chosen by Satori Factory

have 4 days to shoot and edit a 4 minutes video, in a 150 km radius around Bodyflight stockholm.

Satori Factory Invitational // Team PORIPABAJO

Satori Factory Invitational // Team PORIPABAJO

Satori Factory Invitational // Team PORIPABAJO

Satori Factory Invitational // Team BrotherHood

Satori Factory Invitational // FLOW

Satori Factory Invitational // StokedHolm

"Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul."

W. Somerset Maugham

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