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Progression program

Writer's picture: AlexAlex

Updated: Mar 9, 2019

Another indoor flying progression program came to its end and I wanted to share some insight about what we experienced with this training formula.

To give you a little more context, I started the progression program about a year ago, with the wish to take control of the training structure of my students in order to maximise results in term of progression.

Small group of students, big enough flying volume with rest and integration time in between session were the factors I wanted to control as I believe they are necessary for an efficient progression.

With this in mind, 4 of my students went in Flystation Munich every first week-end of the month to fly 3h during a 5 months period, for a total of 15h.

My goals in term of progression are to develop the technical foundation in order to become a complete flyer. This consist into a combination of low speed dynamic flying and high speed dynamic/static flying, with an emphasise around finding balance into aerodynamic position, which directly translate into, angle flying, wingsuit flying and base jump.

That being said, my coaching approach is not constrain within the technical aspect only. Each individual is a complex system, operating through motor function, cognition and emotion. All those factors are taken in consideration for maximising the learning curve.

I also want my students to be actors of their own progression in order to become their own coach in the future.

This program is addressed to anyone that want to push their progression through the next threshold, the only skill mandatory to attend being having a “good vibe” attitude. I’m actually extremely motivated to get people from the very beginning and build a long term progression project with them as it is extremely rewarding for me.

Keep in mind that the 5 months 15h formula can be tailored made according to the goals, finance and fitness level of the participants.

And I would recommend anyone that doesn’t know me to join a classic tunnel camp to get to know each other before signing up for this type of long term project.

What type of progress can you expect with such program?

Each individual has a different set of goals, motivation, emotional and fitness ability, so I obviously can’t guarantee any specific result, but I can guarantee my dedication to make your progression as efficient as possible.

Here is some real life example from the two previous progression program:


"When I signed up for Alex’s first winter progression camp, I came with the expectation of improving my wingsuit flying. Together, we far surpassed my expectations and I not only fly better in the sky, but I’ve discovered an effective way to approach learning new skills. If you are serious about your long term progression in any body flying sport, I can’t recommend anything better than this winter progression program."

Favorite discipline: BASE jump and wing suit flying.

Previous tunnel experience before the progression program: 15min of tunnel flying

After committing to two progression program Brian can:

Carve inface both direction head up and head down on high speed

Carve outface both direction head up and head down on low speed

Perform back layout and front layout

Fly static head up and lift off the net assisted head down on high speed

Follow dynamic line on low speed while maintaining awareness and visual at (almost) all time.

Im confident that after another progression program Brian will have the skill to fly most dynamic line on high speed with enough understanding and awareness to start flying dynamic 4 way.

Dave aka Bam Bam

Favorite discipline: wingsuit base

Previous tunnel experience before the progression program: Bam Bam could carve inface one direction assisted on low speed, perform back layout on low speed assisted and fly static head up.

After committing to two progression program, right after a severe injury on the back Bam Bam can:

Carve inface both direction head up and head down on high speed

Carve outface both direction head up and head down on low speed

Perform back layout and front layout at most speed while maintaining awareness and visual at all time.

Fly static head up and head down as well as maintaining visual and awareness performing unassisted transition

Follow most dynamic line on low speed while maintaining awareness and visual at (almost) all time.

Follow inface dynamic line on high speed while maintaining awareness and visual at (almost) all time.

There is close to no doubt that after another progression program Bam Bam will have the skill to fly all dynamic line on high speed with enough understanding and awareness to start flying dynamic 4 way.


Favorite discipline: freefly skydiving

Previous tunnel experience before the progression program: Julius could carve inface one direction on low speed, perform back layout on low speed assisted and fly static head down

After committing to one progression program Julius can:

Carve inface both direction head up and head down on high speed

Carve outface both direction head up and head down on low speed

Perform back layout and front layout at most speed while maintaining awareness and visual (almost) at all time.

Fly static head up and head down as well as maintaining visual and awareness performing unassisted transition

Follow most dynamic line on low speed while maintaining awareness and visual at (almost) all time.

Follow inface dynamic line on high speed while maintaining awareness and visual at (almost) all time.

There is close to no doubt that after another progression program Julius will have the skill to fly all dynamic line on high speed with enough understanding and awareness to start flying dynamic 4 way.

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Michal Clarke
Michal Clarke
May 19, 2021

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"Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul."

W. Somerset Maugham

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